Saturday, January 23, 2010

Final Salute

It was a beautiful morning on Thursday, January 21, 2010 as we gathered to say a final goodbye to my dad. The weather forecast said it might be sleeting rain and possibly even snow, but it was clear and sunny. Same as it was when my mom was buried in early March. I'd like to think they both had a hand in keeping things pleasant those days, to remind us all they're okay and to be warmed by their spirits. On Friday at the same time the service was, there was sleeting rain and I couldn't help but appreciate this final gift to us all of a beautiful day.

Earlier in the week, I also felt warmed by my dad's spirit when they sang the very same song in church as the priest sang during Vivian's baptism. I've never heard that sung in our church before, and I do think it was my dad letting me know he's still with me. He was very much there at the baptism and is still here today. I am sure he knows how much I miss him.

Annette, Jackie and I were so grateful to those who made the effort to come to the service. And we know there were so many others who were with us that day - even without their physical presence. Annette's son-in-law took beautiful photos of the service and it was such a fitting tribute to a true patriot. Please view the slide show at this link.

I don't anticipate future posts, outside of adding a picture of the headstone when it is finished. But if any other reason warrants, I certainly will.